L-OR/12 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition
Teaching Staff
Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to read and understand written and oral texts in standard Arabic on daily and professional topics and to produce complex messages to communicate in a number of topics ;
- Students will be introduced to the study of advanced morphologic, syntactic and lexical aspects of standard Arabic and will be able to compare different grammar systems;
- Students will be supplied with translation method in order to approach complex texts in literary and hystorical topics and to translate messages from Arabic into Italian and from Italian into Arabic.
Course Structure
Teaching will take place through lectures, participated lessons and group activities.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- collective nouns and indeclinable nouns;
- undefined nouns;
- the 5 nouns;
- relative sentence;
- declarative sentence;
- kana and its sisters;
- inna and its sisters;
- hal and hal sentence;
- complements: maf'ul bihi, maf'ul fihi li-l-makan, maf'ul fihi li-l-zaman;
- elative;
- quadriliterus verbs;
- twinned verbs;
- verbs with hamza in its root;
- weak verbs with first radical waw or ya';
- weak verbs with second radical waw or ya';
- use of kana;
- passive sentence and passive conjugation;
- reading, analysis and translation of texts, particularly literary texts;
- elements of Egyptian Spoken Arabic.
Textbook Information
- L.W. Deheuvels, Grammatica araba. Manuale di arabo moderno con esercizi e CD audio per l'ascolto, 2 voll., ed. it. a cura di A. Ghersetti, Zanichelli, Bologna 2010;
- R. Traini (a cura di), Vocabolario arabo-italiano, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 1966-1973 o successiva edizione;
- C. M. Tresso (a cura di), Dizionario italiano-arabo, Hoepli, Milano, 2014;
- A. Manca, Grammatica teorico-pratica di arabo letteratio moderno, Associazione Nazionale di Amicizia e Cooperazione Italo-Araba, Roma 1989 o successiva edizione;
- L. Veccia Vaglieri, Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba - vol. 1, Istituto per l'Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 2011 (II edizione) o successiva edizione;
- L. Veccia Vaglieri, Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba - vol. 2, Istituto per l'Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 2015 (II edizione).
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All the books listed in the programme can be consulted in the Library.
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