The course provides the acquisition of language and communication skills, Interaction and production required by level A2 like the Common European Reference Framework for Languages and the acquisition of geo-political information about Germany.
Face to face lectures; exercises and translation.
Exercises with a native speaking teacher to acquire the 4 linguistic competence.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
1) Grammatical structures: L’articolo; I casi; La coniugazione del verbo (verbi deboli, forti e misti); I pronomi personali; La costruzione della frase; I verbi modali; Gli aggettivi possessivi; I pronomi riflessivi; Le preposizioni; I verbi separabili e inseparabili; La negazione; Verbi di posizione; Il Perfekt; Il Präteritum; L’imperativo; Gli aggettivi numerali.
2) Analysis and translation of (A2):
Urs Luger, Die Räuber, Hueber (Isbn 9783196016734)
Franz Specht, Faust, Hueber (Isbn 9783191016739).
3) German culture: geography and German culture.
- W. Krenn – H. Puchta, Motive, Kompaktkurs Daf (A1-A2-B1), Hueber (Isbn 9783190018789) + Arbeitsbuch (Isbn 9783190318780).
- Elisabetta Difino, Paola Fornaciari, TIPPS, Milano: Principato, 2006
- Landeskunde: materiale fornito durante il corso.
- Urs Luger, Die Räuber, Hueber (Isbn 9783196016734)
- Franz Specht, Faust, Hueber (Isbn 9783191016739).