Knowledge and understanding: Basic knowledge of the cultural, economic, and geopolitical frameworks. Basic knowledge of the great lines of diffusion of the economic crisis. Applying knowledge and understanding: Basic knowledge of global geopolitical frameworks Using basic tools of the geographical analysis, applying to studies on the great cultural areas. Connecting theoretical knowledge and the practical study of the territories. Connecting theoretical framework and the study of migrations processes.
Making judgement: Identifying the main social phenomena with cartographic and iconografic tools. Applying theories to practical problems and issues in the regional territory.
Communication skills: Describing processes and phenomena. Giving examples and reasoning on theories and cases of study.
In-depth understanding of the main issues trought searching for scientific sources and databases
Il corso si articolerà in otto blocchi di lezioni, durante le quali si terranno lezioni frontali, giochi didattici e forum tra studenti. |
The course will be planned on eight weeks. During the class, frontal lessons, didactic games and forum debates will be held.
The course is aimed to present the main issues related to large global transformations of the last decades. A brief overview of the global ecological crisis and several geopolitical and environmental problems facing Human Communities will be presented. It also will contribute to the formation of skills related to the analysis of geographical processes.
The course will address the analysis of the current socio-ecological debate, focusing the environmental transformations, economic globalization and the social conflicts and inequalities. It will pay particular attention to the problems posed by the new environmental conflicts and by the global pandemic crisis.
1. Ian Angus, 2016. Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System. New York: Monthly Review Press, pp.1-228 (Part Three should be excluded).
2. Haraway, D., 2016. Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Duke University Press, pp.1-149. (Cap. 5 should be excluded)
3. Rob Wallace. 2020. Globalized food systems, structural inequality, and COVID-19. Pandemic Research for the People. Dispatch, 3.
Disponibile all’indirizzo:
4. John Gulick, Jasmine Araujo, Cora Roelofs, Tanya Kerssen, Meleiza Figueroa, Etant Dupain,
Serena Stein, Deborah Wallace, Ryan Petteway, John Choe, Luca de Crescenzo, Audrey Snyder, Colin Kloecker, and Rob Wallace PReP Neighborhoods. 2021. What is mutual aid? A COVID-19 primer. Pandemic Research for the People. Dispatch, 2.
Disponibile all’indirizzo:
5. A short text should be submitted following the Toxic Bios project guidelines, available at:
6. Atlas of Environmental Conflicts available at:
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.