IUS/16 - 15 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Lectures and workshops.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

Organisation of the judiciary. Actors. Organisation of the office of the public prosecutor. Legal deeds. Evidence. Pre-trial detention and alternative measures. Preliminary investigations. Defensive criminal imvestigations. Preliminary hearing. Special proceedings. Trial. Appeal. Appeal before the Court of Cassation. Final judgment.

Half term exam: Organisation of the judiciary. Actors. Organisation of the office of the public prosecutor. Legal deeds. Evidence. Pre-trial detention and alternative measures. Preliminary investigations. Defensive criminal imvestigations. Preliminary hearing.

Textbook Information

M. BARGIS (G. CONSO-V. GREVI fondatori dell'opera), Compendio di procedura penale, Cedam, Padova, 2020, X ed., pp. 2-725 and 754-917 (not including pages: 67-76, 103-108, 128-136, 145-240).

N.B. It is necessary to know the most recent legislative acts relevant in the field, which are not covered by the above texts.

A reading list is suggested in order to better appreciate the topics covered by the module:
C. BECCARIA, Dei delitti e delle pene, Mondadori, Rizzoli or Einaudi.
A. MANZONI, Storia della colonna infame, Mondadori, Sellerio or Rizzoli.
VOLTAIRE, Trattato sulla tolleranza, Feltrinelli or Demetra.
S. SATTA, Il mistero del processo, Adelphi.
A. KOESTLER, Buio a mezzogiorno, Mondadori.
S. TUROW, Presunto innocente, Mondadori.
L. SCIASCIA, Morte dell’inquisitore, Adelphi.
G. CAROFIGLIO, Testimone inconsapevole, Sellerio.
F. CORDERO, Procedura penale, VII ed., Giuffrè, 2003, p. 3-101.
A. GARAPON, Del giudicare. Saggio sul rituale giudiziario, Cortina, 2007.

Half term exam:

M. BARGIS (G. CONSO-V. GREVI fondatori dell'opera), Compendio di procedura penale, Cedam, Padova, 2020, X ed., capp. I-II-IV-V (not including pages: 67-76, 103-108, 128-136, 145-240).

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