IUS/08 - 8 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and comprehension
The course is aimed to provide students with adequate knowledge and skills to critically evaluate the institutions of the Constitutional Justice’s system, both from a procedural and substantial point of view (constitutional parameter). The course will pay particular attention to the contributions of constitutional jurisprudence, to the parameter made up by constitutional rights and freedoms, including consideration of constitutional "common" principles to the EU States, as well as the so-called dialogue between Courts (Constitutional Court, Court of Justice and Court of Human Rights).
Applying knowledge and comprehension
The knowledge of institutions is aimed primarily at the application of the concepts learned, stimulating students' ability to control the problems and identify possible solutions. The learning objectives will be conducted through lectures, during which will be especially stimulated the interest of students in the discussion and the argumentation on case studies and issues related to the constitutional actuality on the basis of the knowledge acquired.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and collateral seminars. A simulated process will also be organized, on pending issues in the Constitutional Court, with direct involvement of attending students.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content


The origins of the constitutional justice: Marbury vs. Madison and the judicial review of legislation. The european model of the constitutional justice. Mixed systems and their dissemination. Constitutional jurisdiction in Italy. The debate in the constituent assembly. The sources of constitutional justice. Composition, organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court. The judgment of constitutional legitimacy incidentally: the assumptions; the object of judgment; the parameter of judgment; the proceedings before the Court; decisions on questions of constitutional legitimacy. Conflicts between the powers of the State.


The President of the Republic in conflicts between powers of the State.

Textbook Information


Not attending students:

Manuals, one to chose from the following:

1) E. MALFATTI - R. ROMBOLI - S. PANIZZA, Giustizia costituzionale, Giappichelli - Torino, ultima edizione;

2) A. RUGGERI – A.SPADARO, Lineamenti di giustizia costituzionale, Giappichelli – Torino, ultima edizione;

3) G. ZAGREBELSKY – V. MARCENO’ – Giustizia costituzionale. II. Oggetti, procedimenti, decisioni, Mulino – Bologna, 2018;

4) A. CERRI, Giustizia costituzionale, Editoriale scientifica – Napoli, 2019.


Pages: 250 (ab.)


Attending students:

Notes from the lessons.



One to chose from the following

1) G.A. FERRO, La “neutralità” contingente e il suo custode.Contributo allo studio del ruolo del Capo dello Stato nella formazione dei governi “tecnici”, Torre Editore, 2018 (capp. 1; 3; 5);

2) E. BINDI – M. PERINI, Il Capo dello Stato: notaio o sovrano?, Giappichelli, 2015 (capp. 3, 4 e 5);

3) E. FURNO, La responsabilità del Capo dello Stato dopo la sentenza n. 1 del 2013, Giappichelli, 2017 (capp. 2, 6, 7).


Pages: 100 (ab.).


Constitutional codes, one to chose from the following:

1) E. MALFATTI, S. PANIZZA, R. ROMBOLI, Giustizia costituzionale. Atti normativi, Giappichelli – Torino, ultima edizione.

3) M. CHIAVARIO - A. GIORGIS (a cura di), Codice della giustizia costituzionale, Giuffré - Milano, ultima edizione.

Studying constitutional justice law must also include the analysis of the most prominent case law, especially the one of the constitutional Court. Some seminars will be organized to this end.

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