Le nuove responsabilità

IUS/01 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Frontal lessons.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remedely. It may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with programme planed and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

New damage figures such as damage from medical liability, from defective product or from processing of personal data, but also those of jurisprudential processing, from intra - family damage to that from false information up to the emerging figures of liability in the sector of new technologies.

Textbook Information

The attending students can take advantage of the didactic material that will be distribuited in the classroom during the lessons.

  1. P. Trimarchi, La responsabilità civile: atti illeciti, rischio, danno, II ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2019 (pp. 3-21; 143-176; 206-238; 253- 274; 413- 424)
  2. M. Barcellona, La responsabilità civile, in S. Mazzamuto, Trattato del diritto privato, vol. VI, Le fonti delle obbligazioni diverse dal contratto, t. I, Torino, 2021. (pp. 259- 266; 149-153)
  3. M. Franzoni, Il pil della responsabilità civile, in Danno e resp. 2020, p. 681- 686 (Studium).

4.U. Salanitro, Sistema o sottosistema? La responsabilità sanitaria dopo la novella, in Nuova giur. civ. comm., 2018, pp. 1676- 1683 (Studium);

5. M. R. Ferrarese, La responsabilità civile degli internet provider: un’analisi degli artt. 14-17 del d.lgs., n. 70/2003, pp. 1-10 (consultabile su Jei- Jus e internet all' indirizzo www.jei.it), (Studium);

6. E. Tosi, La responsabilità civile per trattamento illecito dei dati personali alla luce del General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in Studium, 2020, pp. 840- 845 e 1032- 1038, (Studium);

7. E. Bivona, L'illecito endofamiliare tra principi giurisprudenziali e regole di diritto, pp. 1-14 (Studium).

The attending students can take advantage of the didactic material that will be distribuited in the classroom during the lesson.

The students must also study the judicial rulings found on Studium. The attending students may choose three of the published sentences.

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