Diritto romano delle persone e della famiglia

IUS/18 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims at 1) developing an in depth knowledge of the juridical status of the personae in the Roman experience with regard to legal transactions and events of legal relevance; 2) studying the Roman family under the social and legal viewpoints largely on the basis of non-juridical sources normally and erroneously considered of a lower importance for research.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The course aims at offering an in depth knowledge of the special attention devoted to persons and family in the long Roman juridical experience. This in order to understand the main problems arising from the interpretation of the rules and the solutions given by the jurists.
Judgement autonomy
The course aims at emphasizing 1) the sensibility to the values inspiring the juridical structure of the law of persons and of the law of family; 2) the capacity of the jurists to integrate the rights of the persons together with the organization of the family.
Communication skills
Students will learn to show and discuss the results of their critical evaluation in a logical and appropriate language.
Learning ability
The contents of the course will facilitate the capacity to develop coherent reasoning on the problems arising from concepts and institutions concerning persons and family.

Course Structure

Front-desk lessons

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

Libertas and civitas. Familia. Acquisition of latinitas Iuniana. The status of the latini Iuniani. Obligatio operarum. Manus’ acquisition over the married woman.

Textbook Information

1) E. Nicosia, La ‘manumissio per epistulam’, in IVRA 47 (1996) [pubbl. 2001], pp. 204-236

2) E. Nicosia, «Moriuntur ut servi»? Un aspetto rilevante della condizione giuridica dei Latini Iuniani, in Φιλία. Scritti per Gennaro Franciosi, III, Napoli 2007, pp. 1829-1845.

3) E. Nicosia, Promissio iurata liberti?, in Annali Palermo 56 (2013) pp. 101-111.

4) E. Nicosia, Un alieni iuris titolare della manus sulla uxor, Libreria Editrice Torre, Catania, 2020, pp. 1-80.

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