Diritto delle Assemblee elettive

IUS/08 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Frontal lessons (according to educational calendar). Seminars and exercises will be organized for the study. Students will be asked by the teacher to solve concrete cases in the classroom.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

1. Parliamentary law and constitutional law. 2. The evolution of parliamentary law: the history of the Parliaments' rules of procedure. 3. The sources of parliamentary law. 3.1. The Constitution and constitutional statutes. 3.2. The general rules of procedures of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate: content, approval procedure and scope of application. 3.3. Statutory law. 3.4. The contentious legal nature of parliamentary groups' statutes and regulations. 3.5. Factual sources: customs, conventions and practices. 4. The legal status of Members of Parliament. 4.1. The prohibition of binding mandate. 4.2. Parliamentary immunities. 4.3. Parliamentary allowances. 4.4. Ineligibility and incompatibility. 5. The Parliament and its organisation. 5.1. Bicameralism. Joint sessions of the Chambers. 5.2. The Presidency and its Bureau. 5.3. The meeting of the representatives of parliamentary groups. 5.4. Standing committees. Special committees and councils. 5.5. Parliamentary groups. 6. Competences and procedures. 6.1.The organisation and planning of plenary and committee meetings. 6.2. The legislative function. Ordinary legislative procedure and special procedures (approval of the budget, enactment of EU legislation). 6.3. The function of political steering. Motions, resolutions, agenda setting. 6.4. The control function. Question time, interpellations, and enquiry committees. Parliamentary information. 6.5. Deliberations and voting. 7. The Italian parliament and the European Union. 7.1. The principle of subsidiarity and the role of national parliaments. 7.2. Inter-parliamentary cooperation. 8. The publicity of Parliamentary proceedings.

Textbook Information

L. Gianniti, N. Lupo, Corso di diritto parlamentare, Il Mulino, Bologna, u.e.;


T. Martines - G. Silvestri - C. Decaro - V. Lippolis - R. Moretti, Diritto parlamentare, Giuffrè, Milano u.e.

Attending students, alternatively, can use the notes and material provided by the teacher in class.

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