The course aims to provide students the theoretical basis of linguistics, early elements of language acquisition, tools and methods of human phonetic analysis and description of the relevant sounds of a language (phonology), in particular of standard Italian and varieties.
To define the anatomical and functional structures deputed to language, phonation, and swallowing.
To identify the physiological neuropsychomotor development.
To outline the physiology of speech, voice, and swallowing across different ages.
To know the physiological development of reading and writing.
The present module intends to analyse the concept of language by taking into account the main theories and models of analysis, of research on multimodalities both on language development and on adult age and more generally on the philosophical debate related to mirror neurons. The aim is understanding the nature of communication and language in the typical and atypical development and reflecting on the notion of typical and atypical language at a cognitive, linguistic and social level.
Lectures, active learning. Workshop about phonetic transcription.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Frontal interactive lessons, with slides, videos, and tutorials.
Eventual seminars.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Frontal classes and debate.
Natural languages and human language. Segmental articulatory phonetics: the vowel and the consonants. Italian phonetics: standard, regional pronunciation and neostandard, dialects. Suprasegmental articulatory phonetics. The acquisition of language in newborn babies and infants. Phonology. The phonetic spelling (IPA).
Anatomy and physiology of the organs of speech, voice, and swallowing.
Normal neuropsychomotor development.
Development of language, swallowing, and voice in developmental, adult, and senile age.
Development of metaphonological, pragmatic, and narrative competence.
Development of reading and writing.
Theories of language and language; Innatism and structuralism; multimodality; typical and atypical language development; philosophy of inclusion.
Text 1. G. Gagliardi, Linguistica per le professioni sanitarie, Pàtron, 2019 (cap. I. “Il linguaggio e le lingue storico-naturali”; cap. II. “Farsi e disfarsi del linguaggio: metodi e prospettive per l’analisi delle funzioni linguistiche”; cap. III. “Fonetica”; cap. IV. “Fonologia”, pp. 1-160).
Text 2. F. Albano Leoni, P. Maturi, Manuale di fonetica, Carocci, 2018, terza edizione con materiali on line (cap. 1. Introduzione; cap. 2. “Fonetica articolatoria e trascrizione fonetica”, pp. 11-83).
Text 3. P. Maturi, I suoni delle lingue, i suoni dell’italiano, Il Mulino 2006 (cap. II. “Fonetica italiana: standard, pronunce regionali e neostandard, dialetti”, pp. 101-124).
Text 4. M. Nespor, D. J. Napoli, L’animale parlante, Carocci, 2004 (cap. 9 “Lo sviluppo del sistema linguistico nei primi mesi di vita”, pp. 131-143).
Oskar Schindler, Antonio Schindler. Fisiologia della comunucazione. Omega Edizioni. 2001
Anna Emilia Berti, Anna Silvia Bombi. Corso di psicologia dello sviluppo. Il Mulino Strumenti (4° Edizione). 2018
1. S. Fontana., Linguaggio e Multimodalità, ETS edizioni, 2009, (cap.1 e cap.2, da pag. 16 a pag.90)
2. E. Mignosi, S. Fontana, “Il gesto come risorsa biolinguistica” in Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio (online) ISSN 2036-6728, 2013, pp.298-313
3. ·Sannipoli, M. La cornice bio-psico-sociale tra teoria e prassi educative: possibili domande di ricerca in Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion, 2020
4.. Bonfiglioli, Claudia & Pavani, Francesco, L’impianto cocleare come potenziatore cognitivo? Una prospettiva neuroetica sulle obiezioni della comunità sorda, Rivista internazionale di filosofia e psicologia, vol. 11, 2020, pp. 284-291.
5. A paper chosen from Forme di Vita, edizioni Derive e Approdi, Roma.