BIO/05 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

Adaptations and phylogeny of the major animal taxa. The animal biodiversity in its various levels. Fauna and landscape. Characterization and analysis of the most significant taxa of natural ecosystems and the "agroecosystems" most typical of the Mediterranean region. Importance of the biological component in natural environments and interactions between species. Evolution of the animal population in relation to the evolution of the landscape and consequent adaptations of the species. Human societies development and landscape transformation; effects on fauna and habitat. Extinctions. Minimum vital population assessment. Evaluation of the extinction risks. The red lists. Conservation methods “in situ” and “ex situ”. Examples of projects for conservation of single species. Introduction, reintroductions, restocking. Straying. Alien species and their control. Main CEE directives and national laws concerning the fauna conservation.

Textbook Information

1) Massa R. e Ingegnoli V. (ed.). 1999 - Biodiversità, estinzione e conservazione. UTET, Torino.
2) Petretti F. 2003 - Gestione della fauna. Edagricole

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