The teaching is set up to guide and improve the student's approach to the patient with various non-specific pathologies at the level of the oral cavity or the craniofacial region and who needs a therapy aimed at the symptom, as well as a diagnosis and therapy aimed at responsible pathology. Specific objectives are: 1) To reach and obtain the optimal skills in the dental, medical and surgical management of the patient affected by odontostomatological diseases. 2) Reach and obtain the best skills in the diagnosis, prevention and medical and surgical therapy of mucous and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial area.
Specifically, the course is designed to provide the graduate in Medicine and Surgery with the basic notions of epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and therapy of dental caries, pulp diseases, apical periodontitis, abscesses and peri-maxillary and perimandibular phlegmons. The student must acquire the ability to diagnose the most common painful pathologies of odontogenic origin and learn the fundamentals of their medical treatment, with the dosage of the most commonly administered drugs. The student must also know the useful notions to perform a dental reimplantation and direct the patient to the following dental therapy and acquire the general notions that lead to the diagnosis of a malocclusion, prescribing the most appropriate radiological tests.
The acquired skills will lead the student to develop a critical capacity on the topics dealt with using the skills actively for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the management of the patient suffering from odontostomatological diseases.
to provide knowledges on the pathophysiology, symptoms and signs of the diseases of the eye and of the visual system in children and adults
to give expertise in clinical diagnosis, functional and instrumental semeiotics, medical and surgical therapy.
Knowledge of the notions of specialist anatomy-physiology and of the main pathologies of the ear, nose and paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and salivary glands.
Lectures accompanied by slides and videos and supplemented by discussion of the topics covered in order to train students in a critical capacity on the topics and allow them to acquire a knowledge suitable for odontostomatological management in the patient affected by specific pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial area. Final exam with oral exam.
Cooperative teaching (student-teacher)
If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
traditional lectures
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Frontal lessons or Microsoft Teams with power point
Medical management with the knowledge of guidelines, operational protocols and pharmacological aspects of the patient suffering from odontostomatological diseases. In particular:
STRABOLOGY: concomitant and paralytic strabismus
PATHOLOGY OF ORBIT AND ANNEXES: Exophthalmos - Blepharitis - Conjunctivitis - DacriocistitiS.
CORNEAL PATHOLOGY: Keratites - Keratoconus.
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY GLAUCOMA: Pathophysiology of hydrodynamics of aqueous humor, diagnostics and therapy of glaucoma.
RETINAL DISEASES: Macular degeneration - Vascular pathology - Retinal detachment - Diabetic retinopathy - Hypertensive retinopathy - Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) - other types of retinopathy.
PATHOLOGIES ODF THE OPTIC NERVE: papillitis, retrobulbar neuritis, hemianopsia, quadranopsia, cortical blindness.
OCULAR TUMORS: melanoma - retinoblastoma
OCULAR TRAUMATOLOGY: Foreign bodies - Corneal lesions - Acute retinal damages - Mechanical injuries of the ocular globe.
Inflammatory and neoplastic ENT disease. Principles of clinical and instrumental diagnosis. Principles of medical and surgical treatment.
1. VALLETTA G - MATARASSO S – MIGNOGNA MD: Malattie Odontostomatologiche. Editore: Piccin
2. FICARRA G: Manuale di patologia e medicina orale 3/ed. Editore: McGraw-Hill Italia
3. GOMBOS F – SERPICO R: Clinica Odontoiatrica e Stomatologica - Testo-atlante a colori di patologia e medicina orale per medici e odontoiatri. Editore: Piccin
S. Miglior, T. Avitabile, S. Bonini, E. Campos, L. Mastropasqua: “Malattie dell’apparato visivo” - 2014, EdiSES s.r.l. Napoli.
Jack J: KANSKI: "Oftalmologia Clinica" - Elsevier Italia Srl, 2004 (edizione italiana a cura di R. Brancato, C. Azzolini)
1. G. Rossi. Trattato di Otorinolaringoiatria. Edizioni Minerva Medica
2. E. De Campora, P. Pagnini. Otorinolaringoiatria. Ed. Elsevier
3. Maurizio Maurizi, “Clinica otorinolaringoiatrica. Basi anatomo-funzionali, patologiche e cliniche delle grandi sindromi e delle malattie.