Know and describe the physiological mechanisms of hormonal and metabolic regulation and their main alterations responsible for the main endocrine diseases and metabolism.
Knowing how to identify patients suffering from endocrine diseases and metabolism through anamnesis, physical examination, interpretation of clinical, instrumental and laboratory data.
Prescribe appropriately and be able to interpret the main laboratory tests and instrumental tests of endocrine-metabolic interest.
Describe the principles of medical therapy and surgical indications of the aforementioned diseases.
Know the main therapies with hormones.
Knowing how to take advantage of the advice of medical specialists in endocinology and metabolic diseases.
Academic lessons
General mechanisms of endocrine-metabolic physiopathology
Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis
- Physiopathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and of the posterior pituitary
- Dynamic tests for the evaluation of endocrine function
- Secreting and non-secreting pituitary adenomas (in particular: Acromegaly, S. of Cushing, Prolactinoma)
- Hypopituitarism
- Diabetes insipid
Thyroid disease
- Physiopathology of the regulation of thyroid function
- Functional and morphological examinations of the thyroid gland (ex: ultrasound and scintigraphy)
- Iodine deficiency diseases
- Congenital and adult hypothyroidism, Cretinism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Endemic and sporadic goiter
- Thyroiditis
- The thyroid nodule
- Outline of cytological diagnosis of thyroid nodules
- Thyroid tumors (tumors of the follicular epithelium, medullary carcinoma)
- Impaired thyroid disorders
Alterations of phospho-calcium homeostasis
- Physiopathology of phospho-calcic homeostasis
- Hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism
- Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism
- Post-menopausal osteoporosis
Gonadal diseases
- Physiopathology of testicular and ovarian function
- PCOS, Amenorree
- Male hypogonadism
- S. of Turner
- S. of Klinefelter
Adrenal diseases
- Physiopathology of the regulation of adrenocortical function
- hypoadrenalism
- hyperadrenocorticism
- Tumors of the adrenal (medullary and corticosurrene)
Diseases of the endocrine pancreas
- Physiopathology of pancreatic endocrine function
- Epidemiology and classification of diabetes
- Physiopathology and clinic of type I diabetes and type II diabetes
- Gestational diabetes
- Monitoring of diabetic disease
- Acute and chronic complications of diabetes
- Diabetes therapy
Other metabolic diseases
- Physiopathology of endocrine regulation of body weight
- Endocrine-metabolic aspects of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
- Hypoglycemia
Endocrine neoplastic syndromes
- Multiple endocrine neoplasms (MEN 1 and MEN 2)
- Paraneoplastic endocrine syndromes
- Endocrine-dependent tumors
- Metabolic comas
Other endocrine pathologies
- Endocrine disruptors
- Autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes
- Endocrine hypertension
- Growth disorders