Acquirement of the basal knowledge about anatomy, physiology, embryology of the endocrine and metabolic system. Study of biochemistry of the hormones and basal metabolism, genetics of endocrine diseases, male disorders, metabolic diseases, and pathogenesis of complications. Acquirement of the basal knowledge for the epidemiologic evaluation and prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the endocrine diseases (including pediatric endocrinology, puberty, endocrine tumors and hormone-dependent tumors, endocrinology of aging, endocrinology and physiopathology of human reproduction), congenital and acquired male disorders (including erectile dysfunction and sexual disorders prevention and treatment of couple infertility and skills for assisted fertilization) and metabolic disorders (including inherited metabolic disorders, diabetes during infancy and pregnancy, prevention and treatment of diabetes complications, obesity, lipid metabolism disorders, bone metabolic diseases). Acquirement of the basal knowledge required to prevent, identify and treat the main endocrine and metabolic emergencies; acquirement of functional and instrumental semiotics of endocrine and metabolic diseases.
Lessons, with power point support
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
General mechanisms of metabolic physiopathology
Hypotalamus and Pituitary Diseases
Thyroid Diseases
Hormones and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism
Adrenocortical Diseases
Disorders of Endcocrine Pancreas
Other Metabolic Diseases
Other Endocrine Diseases
Hormone-dependent tumors
Uniendo. Lenzi A., Lombardi G., Martino E., Vigneri R. Minerva Medica. First edition. 2010. ISBN 13978-88-7711-693-2.
Endocrinologia Generale e Clinica. Gardner DG, Shoback D. PICCIN 2009. ISBN: 9788829918331.
Endocrinologia e malattie del metabolismo. Colao AM, Giugliano D., Riccardi R. Idelson-Gnocchi Editore. 2014. ISBN 9788879475778.
Guida allo studio dell’Andrologia. Lenzi A. Società Editrice Universo. ISBN 2012, 9788865150689.
Chirurgia generale. Bellantone, De Toma, Montorsi. Ed. Minerva Medica. 2008. ISBN 13978-88-7711-623-9.
Chirurgia. Renzo Dionigi. Ed Elsevier. 2011. Quinta Edizione. ISBN 978882142973.