Provide the student with the means to acquire a correct method of approach to the patient suffering from the main pathologies and/or syndromes of medical interest, basing the reasoning on scientific evidence and using in a rational and critical way the information gathered with the anamnesis and the physical examination. At the end of the course the students must have acquired the ability: a) to collect the medical history data correctly, b) to perform appropriately both the general and specific physical examination for the different organs and systems, c) to correlate the clinical data with the physiopathological bases, and finally, d) to set a correct diagnostic approach through a rational use of clinical and instrumental diagnostic procedures.
The purpose of the theoretical / practical course will be to train the student in:
- collect general anamnestic information, define symptoms, fill in clinical reports (file etc.);
- to know and perform the semiological maneuvers of the single organs and systems, drawing inspiration from the main pictures of surgical pathology;
- to know the most important alterations of the laboratory parameters and the most common instrumental tests for the study of the main organs and systems of surgical competence.
-interpret the symptoms, clinical signs and laboratory and instrumental findings of the main pictures of surgical pathology in a physiopathological key and start a clinical-diagnostic reasoning;
- to start using the principles of surgical semeiotics and pathophysiology in the diagnostic process of the main surgical diseases.
Frontal and interactive teaching. (Unless otherwise specified by the University)
Theoretical lessons according to the calendar established by the Presidency of the degree course.
If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus
The clinical procedure.The medical history. The general physical examination. The fever. The physical examination for apparatus: respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, locomotor. Clinical approach to the patient with dyspnea, chest pain, jaundice, pleural effusion, ascites, edema, anemia. Diagnostic methodology of Mediastinal Syndrome. Diagnostic methodology of portal hypertension. Semiotics of tones and heart murmurs. Diagnostic methodology of liver diseases. Diagnostic methodology of splenomegaly. Diagnostic methodology of kidney diseases. Changes in the state of consciousness. Diagnostic methodology of the endocrine system.
The program provides for the training of the student in pathophysiology, semeiotics and surgical methodology in the following pathologies:
1) Abdominal wall alterations
2) Biliary secretion and jaundice
3) Pancreatic secretion and acute pancreatitis
4) Portal hypertension
5) Septic shock
6) Physical examination and diagnostic methodology of the breast
7) Pathophysiology of esophageal motility
8) Neoplastic pathology of the digestive system
9) Hemorrhagic syndromes of the digestive system
10) Physical examination and diagnostic methodology of the thyroid
11) Acute abdomen
12) Intestinal obstruction
Manuale di Semeiotica e Metodologia Chirurgica - di Basile - Di Candio - Bellantone - Biondi - Dionigi - Docimo - Lombardi, Editore: Edra - Masson