Which certain information scientific regarding laboratory medicine related to the clinical pathology suitable for the preparation of the student for those materials which will be used after the completion of training
The course is designed to provide students with a good foundation of knowledge in all aspects of Clinical Biochemistry. Introducing the fundamentals of instrumentation and methodology in the clinical chemistry and biochemistry laboratory medicine, lectures will cover urinalysis testing procedures and associated disease entities, as well as analysis of other body fluids. Clinical testing using automated and manual methods, measurement of pancreatic function and intestinal absorption, renal and liver function, enzymes, electrolytes, blood gases, lipids, toxicology, urinalysis, endocrinology, neurological, dysmetabolic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
Learning of principal scientific fundaments in a modern Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology useful to prepare Students for future knowledge of all methods to reach an exact clinical diagnosis.
Knowledge of microbiological diagnosis for bacteria, fungi, parasites and virus
Knowledge of the tests used in microbiological diagnosis
Knowledge of biological samples suitable for microbiological diagnosis
Modalities for collection of clinical samples, transport and storage of pathological matherials used for diagnostic purposes
Interpretation of the results of microbiological tests
lessons as per calendar
Frontal teaching, elaboration, Individual study
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.”
-Medicine of laboratory of anemia
-Cardiac Markers of heart attack
-Dislipidemie and laboratory data
-Diabetes and dosing of blood sugar levels
-Exam blood count
-Laboratory pregnant
-Laboratory and gastrointestinal diseases
-Laboratory and diseases of the endocrine system
-Cancer markers
-Exam CSF
-Coagulation and study of defects
-Techniques and methodologies applied to laboratory medicine
1) The use of laboratory data in clinical practice
2) The method of acquisition of laboratory data
3) The interpretation of biochemical data
4) Analysis of Urine
5) Biochemistry of nutrition
6) Assessment of liver function and diagnosis of jaundice
7) Acute and chronic diseases of the liver
8) Liver function and Hepatitis tests
9) Diabetes mellitus
10) Hypoglycemia
11) Lipid metabolism, dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis, sphingolipidoses.
12) Free radicals in the pathology
13) Metabolism of ethanol and the pathology of alcoholism
14) Complete blood count test
15) Disorders of porphyrin and heme synthesis, hemoglobinopathies
16) Plasma proteins and electrophoresis
17) Blood groups and compatibility tests
18) Hemostasis tests
19) Kidney function tests and urine test
20) Iperammoniemie;
21) Metabolism of amino acids (Phenylketonuria, Hyperhomocysteinemia);
22) Disorders salt and water balance and acid-base balance;
23) Disorders of purine metabolism (hyperuricemia, gout)
24) Investigations on the cerebrospinal fluid
25) Biochemical aspects of neurological diseases
26) Tumor markers
27) Metabolic effects of tumors
28) Cellular aspects of clinical biochemistry
29) Molecular Clinical Biochemistry
30) Clinical biochemistry in the diagnosis of acute pain in the chest and abdomen
31) Biochemistry and molecular clinical biology of organ transplantation
32) Notes on antiaging medicine.
The micro-organisms which cause infection and infectious diseases: concept of pathogenicity and virulence
Human microbial flora
Infectious diseases and host-related infections
Trasmission of infectious diseases abnd modality of transmission
Host predisponing condition for infections
Elements of Microbiological Diagnosis: direct and indirect tests
Microbial isolation in Laboratory practice.
Choosing of the most suitable samples for diagnosis
Principles, aims and interpretation of the Antibiogramma
Elements of virological diagnostic methods: direct and indirect tests.
Viral isolation, selection of most suitable samples and methods to preserve and keep them
Eye infections and diagnostic methods
Infections of the CNS and diagnostic methods
Upper respiratory tract infections and diagnostic methods
Lower respiratory tract infections and diagnostic methods
Cardiovascular infection, sepsis, bacteremia, and diagnostic methods
Gastrointestinal tract infections and toxic food infections: diagnostic methods
Liver infections and diagnostic methods
Urinary tract infections and diagnostic methods
Sexually transmitted infections and diagnostic methods
Female gynaecological infections and diagnostic methods
Infections in pregnancy: diagnosis of TORCH agents
Sexually transmitted infections and laboratory diagnosis methods
Skin, soft tissue infections and laboratory diagnosis methods
Microbiological control of hospital infections
Immunocompromised host infections
Bergamini e Altri: Medicina di laboratorio
Medicina di Laboratorio, G. Federici (Autore), – Mc GrawHill Medicina di laboratorio.
Medicina di Laboratorio. La diagnosi di malattia nel laboratorio clinico, M. Laposata (Autore) - Piccin
Medicina di Laboratorio. Logica e patologia clinica, I. Antonozzi, E. Gulletta (Autori) - Piccin
Medicina dell'Aging e dell'Antiaging. V. Calabrese et al. (Autori) - Edra
Nutrigenomica e Epigenetica. V. Calabrese et al. (Autori) - Edra