ANATOMY I - channel 4

BIO/16 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge on the knowledge of macroscopic, microscopic and topographical anatomy of the main systems and systems of the human body.

The course aims to provide students with a general understanding of Human Anatomy and its methods of investigation. Subdivision of the human body in its various parts and its cavities; orientation of organs in space and symmetry planes; terms of position and movement. Concept of organ and apparatus.

The aim of this course is to make the human body known in its entirety, from the cellular / histological bases of microscopic anatomy to the macroscopic surface anatomy.

The aim of the course is that students acquire knowledge and understand the structural organization of the human body, from the macroscopic to the microscopic level and the topographical relationships between the structures, correlating them with the anatomical structure and function, so as to provide a rational basis on which to base one's own practical activity and preparation for the disciplines associated with it, such as for example physiology, pathological anatomy, internal medicine, general surgery, pharmacology and theories of human movement.

Course Structure

Frontal teaching as principal teaching method with practical theoretical exercises on animal organs, didactic laboratory exercises with plastic models and virtual exercises with the Anatomage (virtual dissection table).

Detailed Course Content

Morphology of the human body

Systematic and Topographic Anatomy.

Clinical Anatomy terminology.

Functional and constituent bodies of the equipment and systems of the human body.

Cable organs and fill organs.

Topographical organization of the human body.



Musculoskeletal system.

General on the bones.

General and classification of joints.

Characteristics and classification of Sinartrosi and synovial joints.

Movement types of synovial joints.

General characteristics of skeletal muscles and the classification criteria.


Cranium and splanchnocranium.

Surface front, side and back of the skull.

Inner and outer surface of the cranial vault.

Inner and outer surface of the skull base, with particular emphasis on nerve-holes.

Temporomandibular joint.

Muscles of the head: the masticatory muscles, hints on mimic muscles and their bands.

Hyoid bone.

Spine: structure of the vertebra type; regional characteristics of the vertebrae; spine as a whole and physiological curves.

Spinal joints.

Cranio-vertebral joints.

Muscles and fascia of the neck.

Rib Cage: ribs, sternum and joints.

Chest muscles: intrinsic muscles and thoracic appendage.

Back muscles: spinocerebellar appendicular, spinal-general on coastal and deep muscles of the back.

Pelvis: bones, joints, muscles and fascia of the wall of the abdomen and pelvis.

Upper limb: skeleton, joints and muscles.

Lower limb: skeleton, joints and muscles.




General of the circulatory blood and lymph. Fetal circulation and postnatal. Structure of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Morphological and functional classification of the blood and lymph vessels. Brief embryonic development.


Heart: location, size and shape; external configuration, cavities and valves.

Structure of the heart walls: fibrous skeleton; musculature of the atria and ventricles; epicardium and endocardium; apparatus conduction of excitation in the heart.

Vascularization and innervation of the heart.


Large circulation

Aorta: upward and its branches; arch of the aorta and its branches; descending aorta, chest and abdomen, with its branches parietal and visceral. Distribution of the branches of the aorta. Anastomotic, with particular reference to the circle of Willis.


Small circulation

Vena cava and venous return. Constitution of the superior vena cava, deep and superficial veins of the upper limb, jugular veins, venous sinus dura mater, azygos veins, collateral circulation cava sup-inferior vena cava. Constitution of the inferior vena cava and afferent vein and roots, deep and superficial veins of the lower limb.



Lymphatic system


Distribution and structure of the lymphatic vessels.

Lymphatic circulation with a description of the main collectors.



Lymph nodes with major lymph nodes.

Bone marrow.

Regions of particular interest clinical anatomy


Axillary region.

Inguinal region - abdominal.

Region inguinal - femoral.

Popliteal fossa.


Structure of the skin and skin appendages (hair, nails, skin glands, mammary gland).

Textbook Information

  1. Anatomia Umana G. Anastasi et al., Edi-Ermes, Milano (vol Anatomia I).
  2. ANATOMIA - FONDAMENTI - Edi-Ermes, Milano
  1. Anatomia del Gray, EDRA LSWR.
  2. Atlante di Anatomia Umana Sobotta, R. Putz, R. Pabst – Elsevier Masson (3 vol.)
  3. Atlante di Anatomia Umana Frank H. Netter – Masson (1 volume)
  4. Atlante Virtual Campus G. Anastasi, Ediermes. (3 Vol).

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