The course aims to provide students with the basic notions on the knowledge of Human Anatomy in all its fields: macroscopic, microscopic and topographic anatomy of the main systems and of the human body. The aim of the course is that students acquire knowledge and they coul understand the structural organization of the human body in the specific study of the osteomyoarticular, cardiovascular, tegumentary and lymphatic systems. At the end of the course the students shound demonstrate that they have learned the theories of human movement based on the study of anatomical planes and axes, a study of the osteomyoparticular apparatus applied to biomechanics principles. At the end of the course the students should demonstrate both that they have acquired the basic principles that regulate the normal and integrated functions between the various human organs and that they have achieved a good manage of the correct scientific language and that of the discipline.
Frontal Lessons
General morphology of the human body
Study criteria of Systematic and Topographical Anatomy.
Anatomoclinical terminology.
Functional characteristics and constituent organs of the apparatus and systems of the human body.
Locomotor system: general information on bones, general information on joints. Generalities Muscles, Upper limb, Lower limb, Trunk, Skull generalities
Cardiovascular system: Overview of the blood and lymphatic circulatory system. Blood vessels overview. Heart: location, size and shape; external configuration, cavities and valves. Vascularization and innervation of the heart. Great circulation. Small circulation
Lymphatic system: Axillary region. Inguinal - abdominal region. Inguinal-femoral region.
Integumentary system: Skin and skin appendages
Trattato di Anatomia Umana in 3 volumi + Anatomia Umana topografica Anastasi et al Edi Ermes