MED/28 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Reaching and obtaining the optimal skills in odontostomatology and surgical management of the patient in odontostomatology. Reaching and obtaining the optimal skills in diagnosis, and surgical therapy of mucous and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial district.

The teaching is designed to guide and improve the student's approach to the patient with different problems, ranging from the management of the patient with a specific surgical pathology to the patient presenting with a non-specific pathology at the level of the oral cavity or craniofacial district and which requires a therapy addressed to the symptom, as well as a diagnosis and a therapy aimed at the responsible pathology. In particular, the student must be able to: comply with loco-regional anesthesia techniques, must have gained theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the field of pathophysiology, histopathology, clinic and therapy of odontostomatological alterations of surgical interest and in the surgical-rehabilitative treatment of total and partial edentulism; histopathology of phlogistic, dysplastic and neoplastic dento-maxillo-facial alterations, the physiopathology of jaw bone atrophy, physical and instrumental semiotics, clinical methodology and surgical therapy are specific areas of competence.

The course is supplemented by free student participation in local, national and international scientific events organized within the clinic, and dental surgery.

The skills acquired will lead the student to develop a critical capacity on the topics covered using the skills in an active way for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the surgical management of the patient in odontostomatology.

Course Structure

Knowledge of the odontostomatological sciences. Knowledge of the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of the mucous and osseous diseases of the gold-maxillofacial district. Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, physiopathology and pharmacology

Please see also the following link:

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

Detailed Course Content

Surgical management with knowledge of guidelines, operating protocols related to oral surgery in odontostomatology.

In particular:

Textbook Information

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