L-ANT/10 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To introduce students to the knowledge of excavation methods and how to interpret archaeological contexts. Study of sources. Preventive archaeolgy; a recognition of the different phases of usage and interpretation of excavation data; an approach towards scientific archaeological research and its methodology.

Course Structure

Classes or equivalent activities: 36.

Guided activities and mock examinations: internship and participation into excavation site: hours 96.

Detailed Course Content

An approach to archaelogy. An overview of the main studies. Knowledge of the archaeological research methods; use of technologies that allow historical reconstruction of settlements. Identification of the archaeological site and its sources. The relationship between archaeology and similar disciplines. The excavation site organization. Study of finds and their classification. Preventive archaeology and emergency archaeology. Identification, location, documentation and preservation of urban archaeological sites as well as territorial ones. Registering, cataloguing and classification of archaeological finds.

Textbook Information

- A. Carandini, Storia della terra. Manuale di scavo, Torino 2006, pp. 5-269 (CFU 2);

- C. Renfrew-P. Bahn, L’essenziale di Archeologia. Teorie, metodi, pratiche. Bologna, Zanichelli, 2009, pp. 12-34 ; pp. 35-54 ; pp. 152-191 ; pp. 312-376 ; pp. 415-442; pp. 473-494 (CFU 2);

- F. Cambi, Archeologia dei paesaggi antichi: fonti e diagnostica, Roma, 2003, Ed. Carocci, pp. 13-289 (CFU 1);

- D. Manacorda-R. Francovich. Dizionario di Archeologia, Bari, Laterza, 2000 (to study only the entries linked to the aforementioned topics) ;

- S.T. Levi, Dal coccio al vasaio. Manifattura, tecnologia e classificazione della ceramica. Bologna, Zanichelli, 2010, pp. 2-169 (CFU 1).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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