M-STO/02 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Acquisition of basic knowledge on the history of the modern age with particular reference to aspects of political history.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars.

Detailed Course Content

A. Modern Europe. General reference frameworks (3 CFU)

A political history approach is preferred to define an overview of the transformation processes of Europe between the 16th and 19th centuries. We will focus on defining and affirming the political dimension with the formation of the modern state, linking it to the processes of economic and social transformation (from urbanism to the industrial revolution, to the increasingly complex articulation of élites and social groups and territorial balances).

B. Disaster policy (2 CFU)

The social and political reactions to the epidemics and calamities that have marked European history in the modern age (plague, cholera, earthquakes) will be reconstructed

C. The French Revolution, history and historiography (4 CFU)

Interpretations and events of the French Revolution will intertwine in the light of the historiographic approaches outlined by F. Furet and the complex story of the 'twentieth-century' interpretations' of the great event that marked the overall historiographic cultural and political panorama of the last century in a relevant way.

Textbook Information

A. (3 CFU)

- A. Musi, Un vivaio di storia. L’Europa nel mondo moderno, Biblion, Milano 2020, pp. 350


B. (2 CFU)

- A. Manzoni, Storia della Colonna infame, in ID., I promessi sposi, Edizione 1840 (ristampa anastatica Superpocket Milano 1999), pp. 741-864

- E. Iachello, La politica delle calamità, Maimone, Catania 2000 pp. 5-93


C. (4 CFU)

- F. Furet, Il secolo della rivoluzione 1770-1880, Rizzoli, Milano 1989, pp. 7-330

- F. Furet, Critica della Rivoluzione francese, Laterza, Bari 1987, pp. 5-90

- A. De Francesco, Tutti i volti di Marianna. Una storia delle storie della Rivoluzione francese. Donzelli, Roma 2019, pp. 235-346.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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