SECS-P/07 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with the fundamental terminology and methodologies related to the business administration, useful for representing and understanding the functioning of companies.

The student will acquire technical language related to business disciplines and will be able to acquire the concepts and the basic language of business processes.

Course Structure

The course is structured in 36 hours of lectures, with Powerpoint support and student involvement.

Detailed Course Content

1 Notion of firm and business administration.

2 Basic principles of governance: progress, unity, autonomy, profitability, solvency, notions of effectiveness, efficiency and business risk.

3 Relationship between profitability and solvency

4 Basic principles of governance in different kind of firms.

5 Business success.

6 The organization: organizational structures, power, leadership, and operational mechanisms.

7 Unity of governance and plurality of legal entities: the corporate groups.

8 The control of profitability and solvency and its tools: the financial statements.

9 The limitations of the net income: uncertainty, arbitrariness, relativity.

10 The usefulnes of the financial statements for solvency and profitability analysis. The operating income and the net income.

11 Endogenous and exogenous cash flows-: self-financing and the cash-flow statement.

12 The budget

13 The business plan

14 The different notions of capital: equity, liquidation, and market capital. Business valutation methods.

15 The determination of costs: cost configurations, direct costs and the allocation of indirect costs.

16 Fixed costs and variable costs: the profitability diagram.

Textbook Information

Sorci C., Lezioni di Economia aziendale, Giuffrè, Milan, 2014 (second edition).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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