M-GGR/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge about the importance of human work in the creation of different places. Men are the main agents of the different landscapes, cultures, values and political orders present in the world.

Course Structure

Frontal lectures and field investigations concerning the issues addressed

Detailed Course Content

From the general geographical knowledge we proceed with the study of the topics related to traditional cultural geography and the New Cutural Geography to conclude with the analysis of some Sicilian territorial realities (Piana of Catania, Etna, Unesco sites, places of the grand tour).

Population, migration, agriculture, industry, services, economy and environment, urbanization, sustainable development, globalisation and glocalisation.

Cultural geography: the origins of cultural geography, The three schools of cultural geography. The crisis of cultural geography, the Cultural Studies, the New Cultural Geography.

The Sicilian landscapes, the geohistory of Sicily.

Textbook Information


- BONAZZI A., Manuale di Geografia Culturale, Laterza 2012 (2 CFU), pp. 200.

- GREYNER A. L., Dematteis G., Lanza C., Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Utet 2012, pp. 300 (3 CFU)



- FAMOSO N., SORBELLO M., LA FERLA V., Places of Sicily. Geostoria, CUECM, Catania 2016, vol. 1, pp. 75-123 (disponibile su Studium);

- SORBELLO M., L'irrigazione e la bonifica della piana di Catania. Studio geostorico sulla trasformazione del paesaggio e il riordino territoriale, Canterano (RM), Aracne, 2020, pp. 9-45 (disponibile su Studium).


N.B.: A good geographical atlas is an indispensable tool for the study of the discipline. For this purpose, we recommend using the latest edition of «Nuovo Atlante Metodico De Agostini».


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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