M-FIL/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge related to the major debates and the most relevant issues in the theory and philosophy of language: a) diversity of languages vs. uniqueness of language; b) origin of language: discontinuistic vs. continuistic hypotheses; c) the sign, the semiosis and the symbolic dimension; d) the relationship between language, mind and world, and the most relevant theories of meaning; e) the problems posed by language, mind and communication (human and animal).

The aim of the course is to develop an epistemological view, which studies the language with the help of specialized knowledge, but at the same time elaborates coherent, conceptually well organized and structured perspectives.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, brainstorming and classroom exercises.

Detailed Course Content

Diversity of languages and uniqueness of language

Semiotic universes and the centrality of the sign.

Signs, intentions, interpretations.

The speaking animal: language, languages and symbolic dimension.

Origins and evolution of language: continuous and discontinuous hypotheses.

Voice, gesture and word.

Behavior and theories of the mind.

Syntax, semantics and pragmatics: theoretical problems.

The words between memory and project

The natural interactivity of words

The complexity of using words

Articulated and creative semiotics/The limits of linguistic and semiotic creativity

The problem of understanding and theories of conversational interaction.

Understanding: linguistic, semantic, pragmatic and socio-semiotic aspects.

Textbook Information

  1. Michael C. Corballis, La verità sul linguaggio (per quel che ne so), Roma, Carocci, 2020, pp. 264.
  2. Tullio De Mauro, Prima lezione sul linguaggio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2002, pp. 120.
  3. Federico Faloppa, Brevi Lezioni sul linguaggio, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri 2019, pp. 222.
  4. Alfredo Paternoster & Valentina Pisanty (ed.), La comprensione linguistica, Milano, Mimesis, 2019, pp. 176


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