BIO/09 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

UPDATED PROGRAMME: Physiology of the digestive system: The gastrointestinal system secretions: salivary secretion, saliva functions, composition of saliva, the salivary secretion regulation, the role of the autonomic nervous system. The gastric secretion, the gastric mucosa, cell types, the regulation of acid secretion, stimulation of gastric secretion, stimulation of gastric secretion, gastric enzymes. Pancreatic secretion, secretion of the aqueous component, the secretion of the enzyme component of the pancreatic secretion,adjustment to the meal. Bile and liver digestion and absorption, small and large intestine, transport processes, intraluminal digestion, microvillare digestion. Malabsorption, celiac disease. energy metabolism, energy balance, determination of energy demand, energy value of food, measurement of energy expenditure, calorimetry, basal metabolic rate, total energy need. Mechanisms of hunger and satiety, control of food intake: central mechanisms, peripheral mechanisms. Factors that influence the feeding behavior .Water balance control , nutritional requirements, calories requirements: calculation of the calories requirements, diet composition according to needs, protein intake, carbohydrate, lipid, vitamins, minerals, water; antioxidant foods. Feeding and development: food errors: allergies, intollerances. Pregnant and elderly feeding , healthy nutrition in adults, nutrition and sports, nutrition during lactation. Consequences of feeding mistakes: inborn errors of metabolism, intolerance (lactose, etc.) General rules for proper nutrition Assessment of the state body nutrizional. Methods for assessing body composition: anthropometric measures. Body mass index (BMI), psychometry, body density, bioimpedentiometry, photon attenuation. Malnutrition, primary and secondary malnutrition. Thinness, anorexia, bulimia, obesity.

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