Consolidating skills in the context of translation and interpretative and linguistic analysis of both written and oral texts. Reading, translating and analyzing literary texts in Andalusi and Sicilian Arabic. Producing complex written and oral texts in Modern Standard Arabic on the topics dealt with during the classes, based on the literary texts and newspaper articles examined. Arabic for special purposes: consolidating skills related to the Modern Standard Arabic language used in business domain. Consolidating language skills in Egyptian and Moroccan Arabic.
Module 1 (3CFU):
Writing of a brief essay of literary criticism, based on a novel by the Moroccan author Mohamed Chukri, al-Ḫubz al-ḥāfī.
Egyptian Arabic (asking about directions, daily routine, talking about job, offering and inviting, accepting apologies, asking for services).
Moroccan Arabic (time, daily routine, at café, shopping, at the restaurant, in the city, traveling).
Reading the Arabic newspapers.
Arabic for special purposes: business language.
Module 2 (3 CFU):
Main features of the Andalusi Arabic and its influence on some Moroccan varieties currently spoken.
Module 3 (6 CFU):
Reading literary texts written in Andalusi Arabic, Sicilian Arabic and Middle Arabic. Analysis of the main linguistic and literary features of the standard, Andalusi, and Sicilian varieties in the texts.
Reference Texts
Module 1:
- Mohamed Chukri, al-Ḫubz al-ḥāfī. Dār as-sāqī, Beirut, 2009 (232 pp. of which a selection will be available on Studium).
- S. Darghmouni, Arabo per affari. Guida al linguaggio nel mondo del lavoro. Hoepli, Milano 2016, pp. 47-71; 81-99.
- S. Louis, Kallimni ‘Arabi bishweesh, The American University in Cairo, Cairo/New York, 2008, pp. 123-213.
Arabic Nespapers: the articles analyzed during the classes are available at the links below:
Module 2:
- Federico Corriente, Christophe Pereira & Ángeles Vicente 2015, Aperçu grammatical du faisceau dialectal arabe andalou. Perspectives synchroniques, diachroniques et panchroniques. Encyclopédie linguistique d’Al-Andalus, vol. 1. De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, pp. 248-260.
- Ángeles Vicente 2011. “Formation and evolution of Andalusi Arabic and its imprint on Modern Northern Morocco”, Modern trends in Arabic dialectology, Mohamed Embarki & Moha Ennaji (eds.). The Red Sea Press, New Jersey, pp. 185-209.
Module 3:
(Andalusi Arabic)
- Pérez Lázaro, Jóse (éd.) 1990, al-Madḫal ʔilà taqwīm l-lisān wa taʕlīm l-bayān d’Ibn Hišām al-Laḫmī. CSIC, Madrid, p. 125-150.
- García Gómez, Emilio 1929, Un nuevo texto árabe occidental de la leyenda de Alejandro (Ḥadīṯ ḏī l-qarnayn). Instituto de Valencia Don Juan, Madrid, p. 44-64.
(Sicilian Arabic)
- M. Cassarino, Palermo Experienced, Palermo Imagined. Arabic and Islamic Culture between the 9th and the 12th Century, in A Companion to Medieval Palermo: The History of a Mediterranean City from 600 to 1500, ed. by A. Nef, Brill, Leiden, 2013, pp. 89-130.
- C. La Rosa, L’arabo di Sicilia nel contesto maghrebino: nuove prospettive di ricerca, IPOCAN, Roma 2019, pp. 1-55.
Original language materials will be provided during the lessons and will be available on Studium.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.