M-STO/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Understanding of the historiographical paradigms which formed the 19th century until today and have gradually established themselves in the defining of the peculiarity of the “science” of history and the “duty” of historian.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars.

Detailed Course Content

Three modules:

A. “Historiographical paradigms. Sources and methods”.

This module will examine the succession of differents historiographical paradigms in correlation with historical context.

B. “Fake news. True / false: a path between science and social credulity”.

This module will examine the problem of scientific truth, the political use of fake news and the dynamics of social credulity.

The module is in common with the seminar of History of Sicily in the modern age, prof. Paolo Militello, Master's Degree in "History and Culture of Mediterranean Countries", Department of Political and Social Sciences.

C. “Cultural history as political history. Giuseppe Giarrizzo, a master”.

This module will exemplify the evolution of the “career” of the historian, analyzing the research of a contemporary European history master.

Textbook Information

A (1 CFU):

- G. Giarrizzo, La scienza della storia. Interpreti e problemi, a cura di F. Tessitore, Liguori, Napoli 1999, pp. 3-30; 433-447

- F. Furet, Critica della Rivoluzione frnacerse, Laterza, Bari 1987, pp. 5-90

B (1 CFU):

A. Manzoni, Storia della Colonna infame, in ID., I promessi sposi, Edizione 1840 (ristampa anastatica Superpocket Milano 1999), pp. 741-864

C (4 CFU):

- E. Iachello, Giuseppe Giarizzo, politico e storico. Una “conversione” in Sicilia, in “Studi Storici”, 3, 2018, pp. 611-639

- G. Giarrizzo, Catania, Laterza, Bari 1986 pp. 355

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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