To introduce specific methods, main theories and results in Text Linguistics (The seven standards of textuality; the procedural approach; a pragmatic competence) and Rethorics and Stylistics; to provide conceptual and methodological instruments for the linguistic analysis and interpretation of prose and poetry (with a competence of rhetoric and metrics) and to awake awareness of the historical, stylistic and rhetorical value of the literary tradition; to provide historical, cultural and methodological coordinates for teaching Italian as first and second language.
The didactic functionalization of the textual analysis carried out by the students, for the purpose of future professional activity, will be particularly taken care of.
We will adopt an "experimental" and interactive approach, designed to make the study of textual analysis a moment of exciting discovery of the extraordinary potential of language. Through a careful analysis of the linguistic materiality of the texts, the students will be sensitized to practice an innovative didactics, in which they will be led to rediscover and therefore apply with full awareness the "rules" of the Italian that they have internalized in their linguistic experience, but of which they have a subliminal knowledge, which it is necessary to make explicit.
In the introductory lessons and in the seminar activities “discovery” paths will be built, to be re-proposed on the basis of models and instruments of interpretation of texts based on linguistics and typology of texts, as well as on rhetoric and style.
The didactic functionalization of the textual analysis carried out by the students, for the purpose of future professional activity, will be particularly taken care of.
Historical grammar and history of the language as a teaching aid to give the sense of structural and cultural continuity between Latin and Italian, and Italian and other cultural languages. Textual linguistics and rhetorics as verbal art and technique: models for text’s analysis, linguistics and texts typology, metrics, rhetorics, stylistics, philology. Teaching Italian as first and second language: historical, sociolinguistic grammatical and textual perspectives.
A. History of Italian language: language ideas and structures (2 CFU).
- C. Marazzini, Breve storia della questione della lingua, Roma, Carocci, pp. 126
- G. Patota, Nuovi lineamenti di grammatica storica dell'italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, pp. 1-183
B. Linguistic and stylistic analysis of texts (3 CFU).
- O. Reboul, Introduzione alla retorica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 203 (pp. 1-165; pp. 183-210; pp. 222-228; pp. 238-244)
- L. Serianni, Introduzione alla lingua poetica italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2006, pp. 11-41 e 221-238
- M. Palermo, Linguistica testuale dell’italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 250
Prose and poetry texts of the Italian literary tradition will be analyzed.
C. Teaching Italian language (2 CFU).
- S. Giusti, Insegnare con la letteratura, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2015, pp. 149.
- P. D’Achille, Norma linguistica, in Enciclopedia dell’italiano, a cura di R. Simone, Roma, Treccani, 2011, pp. 961-965 (anche on line)
- Materials for teaching.
For students who doesn’t have the prerequisites for studying the subject, or for the purposes of the activities foreseen by the course, it is advisable to consult:
- L. Serianni, Grammatica italiana. Italiano comune e lingua letteraria, Torino, UTET Università, 2005, pp. 754
- B. Mortara Garavelli, Manuale di retorica, Milano, Bompiani, 2018, pp. 528.
- E. Degl’Innocenti, Le prove del nuovo esame di Stato, Torino, Paravia Pearson, 2019, pp. 192.
- L. Cisotto, Didattica del testo, Roma, Carocci, 2015, pp. 352.
All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.