AGR/04 - 8 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Provide the biological and technical tools to consciously manage the techniques and tools for the design, installation and maintenance of green spaces in the Mediterranean environment, also in order to identify environmentally sustainable solutions.

Course Structure

The course includes lectures in the classroom, with the aid of a video projector, analysis of case studies and technical visits to green spaces and nurseries in the area.

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to landscape horticulture: issues and future

Landscape horticulture: history and classification criteria of main green spaces.

Green space and well-being.

Landscape horticulture in the Mediterranean environment.

Landscape planning. Selecting landscape plants. Landscape trees, shrubs, woody climbing plants, palms and palm-like. Herbaceous plants and geophytes. Lawns and sports turf.

Planting site preparation. Planting the plant. After-planting care.

Textbook Information

Note and schemes of the lessons provided by the teacher.

MILLER, L.B., 2009. Parks, Plants, and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape. WW Norton & Company.

AGOSTONI, F.; MARINONI, C.M., 1987. Manuale di progettazione di spazi verdi. Zanichelli, Bologna.
CHIUSOLI, A., 1999. La scienza del paesaggio. CLUEB, Bologna.
DI FIDIO, M., 1993. Architettura del paesaggio. Pirola Editore, Milano.
PICAROLO, P., 1995. Spazi verdi pubblici e privati. Progetto, manutenzione, gestione. Editore Ulrico Hoepli, Milano.
PIRANI, A., 2004. Il verde in città. La progettazione del verde negli spazi urbani. Edagricole, Bologna.
TOCCOLINI, A., 2002. Piano e progetto di area verde. Manuale di progettazione. Maggioli Editore, Santangelo di Romagna.
ZOPPI, M., 1988. Progettare con il verde. Manuale di progettazione del verde urbano e dei vuoti urbani. 8 voll. Alidea Editrice, Firenze.

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