ING-IND/17 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to give the student a directional view of production systems and to provide the basic tools, technical and economic, for the high-level design and conduct of the process and service systems. The teaching method of the course includeslectures and computer exercises on case studies using the spreadsheet. Large space is dedicated to the treatment of factors of uncertainty and the related simulation approach.

Course Structure

Lectures on theoretical topics carried out by a video projector or overhead projector. Exercises carried out in the classroom using a video projector and a spreadsheet. Collective development of numerical exercises. Short simulation of the exam (numerical exercise).

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

1. Introduction. The industrial enterprise. The industrial plant and its utilities.

2. Basics of industrial economics. The production function. Start-up costs and business costs. Fixed costs and variable costs. Down-time costs. Obsolescence, amortment, interest. Balance of the enterprise.

3. Economics and plant decisions. Formulae to capitalize and to discount. Proceeds and gains. Margin. Break even point. Assessment criteria of industrial investements.

4. Dimensioning of industrial utilities. Service continuity and fail probability of components and systems. Reliability and Availability. Redundancy costs. Central and distributed utilities. Dimensioning of utilities in uncertain condistions. Dimensioning of buffers. Scale effects on costs.

5. Operations Research. Linear Programming. Monte-Carlo simulation. Queue Theory. Decisions in uncertain conditions.

6. Design of industrial plants and commisioning. Feasibility study. Lay-out. Program management. PERT and GANNT techniques.

Textbook Information

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