Knowledge and understanding:
The course aims to the acquisition of linguistic communication skills – receiving, production and interaction – according to the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and it also includes a competence related to the analysis of linguistic problems, especially in the field of interlinguistic contact.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
Thanks to the acquisition of linguistic knowledge and cultural competences in French and European areas, the students will acquire the ability to combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, and interpret different cultural areas. They will also be able to identify and solve problems related to linguistic exchange.
Making judgment:
Thanks to the acquisition of concepts of French and Francophone culture and society, and the consequent development of its competence, students can face problematic situations consequential to the comparison among different cultures and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way.
Communication skills:
Students will acquire the ability to express in an articulated way their own thoughts, projects, and the results studies and to efficiently communicate in autonomous way, applying what they have learned during the course of studies to diversified working contexts.
Learning skills:
Students will be able to create relationships and to interact in more languages with heterogeneous interlocutory in different professional and cultural contexts, in which they will know how to interpret, to understand, and to use in autonomous way the formalities of expression and communication.
Lectures/ Cooperative learning
Workshops and lectorship
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
The course aims to reach the communication skills corresponding to the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, also developing skills about the historical evolution of French language and deepening the linguistic varieties of France and Francophony, the didactics of the French language as a foreign language, and finally the French language for diplomacy and international affairs. The course includes three modules:
1. Histoire de la langue française (2 CFU)
2. Didactique du FLE (4 CFU)
3. Le français diplomatique et des relations internationales (3 CFU)
Textbooks for laboratories and lectorship with foreign language Assistants
A. Bourmayan et al., Édito. Méthode de Français, niveau C1, Livre + DVD-rom, Paris, Didier, éd. 2018.
A. Bourmayan et al., Édito. Cahier d’activités, niveau C1, Paris, Didier, éd. 2018.
Recommended textbooks
I. BarbiÈre, M.-L. Parizet, abc DALF C1/C2, 150 exercices, (Livre + CD-rom, Livre-web), Paris, CLE International, 2019.
Histoire de langue française
M. Huchon, Histoire de la langue française, Paris, Librairie générale française, «Le livre de poche», 2002.
La didactique du FLE
The teacher will provide a dossier.
Le français diplomatique et des relations internationales
The teacher will provide a dossier.
Recommended bilingual dictionaries
Garzanti, Dizionario fr-it.; it.-fr., Garzanti, ultima ed.
Il Larousse francese. fr.-it. ,it.-fr., Rizzoli/Larousse, ultima ed.
Recommended monolingual dictionaries (print or online dictionaries)
Le Petit Robert, Le Robert, ultima edizione.
Le Petit Larousse illustré, Larousse, 2012.
Trésor de la langue française informatisé (
DES – Dictionnaire Électronique des Synonymes, Centre de Recherches Inter-langues sur la signification en Contexte (CRISCO) (
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.