Acquisition of the knowledge and advanced capacity of understanding mineralogical-petrographic data and technical language, aimed to the determination of the structural and compositional features of the rocks. Acquisition of the skills necessary for the application of the base knowledge to the identification, classification and characterization of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentalry rocks.
Students must be able to recognize and describe the main rock types of the earth's crust, to classify them according to modern classification schemes is based on mineralogical and chemical; describe in general terms the processes that have led to their genesis.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Hand sample and thin section identification and description of the structural and mineralogical features of the main magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Characterization and classification of the main magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks through the elaboration of structural and mineralogical data. Handling and interpretation of geochemical data aimed to the petrographic characterization of the rocks.
Petrography and petrology, basic concepts; composition, structure and classification of igneous rocks; generation and differentiation of magmas; magmatic petrotectonic association. Sedimentary rocks: basic concepts and methodology; classification of sedimentary rocks. Definition, conditions and types of metamorphism; metamorphic process and metamorphic rocks.
Crespi R., Liborio G., Mottana A. “Minerali e Rocce”. Mondadori, Milano, 2004.
Peccerillo A., Perugini D. Introduzione alla petrografia ottica. E-book; Peccerillo A. & Perugini D. (2003): Introduzione alla Petrografia ottica. Morlacchi, pp. 200 e CD-ROM interattivo.
Raith M.M., Raase P. & Reinhardt J. (2011): Guide to Thin Section Microscopy. Michael M. Raith, Peter Raase & Jürgen Reinhardt. e-book
Pichler H. & Schmitt-Riegraf C. (1997): Rock-forming minerals in thin sections. Chapman & Hall, pp. 220.
Mackenzie W.S., Donaldson C. H., Guilford, C. Atlante delle rocce magmatiche e delle loro microstrutture. Zanichelli, Bologna
Adams A. E., Mackenzie W.S., Guilford C. Atlante delle rocce Sedimentarie al microscopio. Zanichelli, Bologna
Yardley B.W.D., Mackenzie W.S., Guilford C.Atlante delle rocce metamorfiche e delle loro microstrutture. Zanichelli, Bologna.
Vernon R.H. (2004): A practical guide to rock microstructure. Cambridge, pp. 594.
Le Maitre R.W. (2002): Igneous Rocks. A classification and Glossary of terms. Cambridge University Press, pp. 236.
L. Morbidelli (2014). Le rocce e i loro costituenti. Seconda edizione. Bardi Ed., Roma
Fettes D. & Desmons J. (2007): Metamorphic rocks: A Classification and Glossary terms. Cambridge, pp. 244.
Le rocce e i loro costituenti. Lucio Morbidelli, Bardi Editore