L-ART/07 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course focuses on the relationship between music and visual arts through an interdisciplinary approach to some paradigmatic musical works that presuppose a relationship with the visual arts in their historical-aesthetic context of production and use.

At the end of the course, the student acquires the tools to understand historical dynamics and learn to observe the intersections between different languages from a perspective that favors the contents of culture and human productions.

Course Structure

Lectures and listening workshop.

Detailed Course Content

The course consists of two different modules.

The first (La Bibbia all’Opera - 3 CFU) explores the relationship between music and visual arts between Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries through a study of the musical works whose subject is figures of the biblical tradition.

The second (Music and Figurative Art in fin de siècle Vienna - 3 CFU) will be devoted to Viennese fin-de-siecle Culture and to the role of the Visual Arts in the development of a new conception of Musical Art.

Textbook Information

A. La Bibbia all’Opera (3 CFU)


- S. Tcharos, Opera’s Orbit. Musical Drama and the Influence of Opera in Arcadian Rome, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 20-96.

- F. Piperno, La Bibbia all’Opera. Drammi sacri in Italia dal tardo Settecento al ‘Nabucco’, Roma, Neoclassica, 2018, pp. 265.

- C. Lucas Fiorato, Giuditta o la politica delle ombre. Sulla fruizione figurativo-letteraria del Liber Iudith nel Rinascimento, in Giuditta e altre eroine bibliche tra Rinascimento e Barocco. Orizzonti di senso e di genere, variazioni, riscritture, a cura di L. Borsetto, Padova, Padova University Press, 2011, pp. 35-62.

- N. Dubowy, Le ‘due’ Giuditte di Alessandro Scarlatti: due diverse concezioni dell’oratorio, in L’oratorio musicale italiano e i suoi contesti, a cura di P. Besutti, Firenze, Olschki, 2002, pp. 258-288.

- M. De Luca, 1716 in tempore belli. Il confronto fra Oriente e Occidente attraverso i “trionfi” di Giuditta, in The Ottoman Siege of Corfu in 1716, Corfu, Ionian University, 2019, pp. 381-390.


B. La nascita del modernismo (3 CFU)


- E. Timms, La Vienna di Karl Kraus, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1998.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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