L-ART/02 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Deepen the knowledge of art history; read the artefacts in their specific language and in relation to: the history of their author; the places to which they are designed; the expectations of the patron; the influences of technique and iconographic traditions; the meanings represented. Therefore the artwork studied in its specific language, in the middle of a precise cultural and historical context and at the same time a tool for understanding this context.

Course Structure

Lectures in the classroom and at museums.

Detailed Course Content

The analysis of some particular cases will give rise to a recognition of the main problems of the work of the art historian and will be aimed at indicating possible methods of analysis of forms and connoisseurship.

Textbook Information

Methods, connoisseur, fakes


Three case studies: Caravaggio, Luca Giordano, El Greco



Luca Giordano


El Greco


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library; many essays can be downloaded from studium.unict.it website.

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