IUS/13 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course (International Law) will introduce students to public international law, covering principles and rules governing the interactions between States and other international actors (Part I), with a special focus on selected themes (international human rights law, international institutional law) as specified below (Detailed Course Content) in Part II.

Through the analysis of case studies, the course aims also at enhancing the students’ ability to deal with international practice and case-law, and to develop a critical approach towards current major debated issues.

Course Structure

Lectures, Seminars, Case-studies discussion groups.

Detailed Course Content

The course includes lectures and in-class discussions and is framed in two parts.

The Part I introduces a global understanding of the core issues of public international law: origins, nature and boundaries of international law; law-making, interpretation and enforcement mechanisms (subjects, sources, guarantees/remedies).

The Part II of the course provides a focused analysis of international human rights law (a) and of international institutional law (b).


Part I:

- Introduction and Overview: the scope and nature of international law; Subjects, Sources and Guarantees of modern international law; how international law is made; States and the idea of international subjectivity;

- the contents of international norms; how international law is invoked and applied; international responsibility regimes.


Part II

(a) International Human Rights Law | an introduction to the international law of human rights and to its actors, norms, processes and institutions in the evolution of the international community;

(b) International Institutional Law | an introduction to the law of international organisations as political and legal actors and to the evolving roles of institutional cooperation in a transnational legal perspective.

To get ready for the final exam, the study of one of the thematic profiles (a or b) recommended in Part II is required.

Textbook Information

Please consider one of the following tracks:

Track 1)

Track 2)

Track 3)


Relevant primary materials (treaties, resolutions, judgments/decisions of international courts etc) are freely available on line. Useful websites and suggested additional readings will be indicated for each topic through the on line Blackboard page Studium.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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