L-LIN/12 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This course aims at consolidating the acquisition of structures and skills at the C1+ level of CEFRL.

The module aims at analysing language within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis to stimulate the students’ critical awareness with reference to linguistic choices enacted by media. It also aims at providing means for the analysis of ESP texts with particular reference to News Discourse, the Language of Politics and of Social Media.

Course Structure

Lectures and workshops.

Detailed Course Content

The module is divided into four sub-modules:

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (Prof. Halliday): This sub-module offers an introduction to CDA for a critical reading and interpretation of various authentic texts

News Discourse (Prof. Halliday): This sub-module focuses on news discourse and specifically on journalism practices.

The Language of Politics (Prof. Venuti): This sub-module focuses on Political discourse and specifically on the analysis of the language of persuasion.

The Language of Social Media (Prof. Venuti): This sub-module focuses on the language of social media from a variety of perspectives.

Textbook Information

Critical Discourse Analysis:

Machin, David and Mayr, Andrea 2012, How to Do Critical Discourse Analysis A Multimodal Introduction, London, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 236.

News Discourse:

Bednarek, Monika and Caple, Helen 2012 News Discourse, Bloomsbury Publishing, cap. 1, 2 e 4 (pp. 1-38 e 84-110).

Bednarek, Monika and Caple, Helen 2017 The Discourse of News Values. How News organisations Create Newsworthiness, Oxford University Press, cap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 7 (pp. 1-133 e 171-194).

The Language of Politics:

Charteris-Black, Jonathan 2018 (2nd edition), Analysing Political Speeches. Rethoric, Discourse and Mataphor, Palgrave, pp.298.

The Language of Social Media:

Page, Ruth, Barton, David, Unger, Johann W., Zappavigna, Michele 2014 Researching Language and Social Media. A Student Guide, London Routledge, pp. 201.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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