L-OR/12 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to complete the knowledge of the main figures and currents of Arabic literature.

It sets out to face a central question in the history of Arabic literature since its origins, the question of its relationship with alterity, providing students with a) improvements in their linguistic competence through reading, interpretation and analysis of texts in Arabic; b) critical and methodological instruments for analysis and in-depth study; c) awareness of the historical—literary problems also from the “comparatist philological” perspective.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

Modulo 1

The otherness in the literary texts written by the Moriscos of Al-Andalus and the religious identity of the Arabic language.

Modulo 2

The otherness in Siculo-Arabic and Andalusi travel literature

Modulo 3

The otherness in Modern eve, the idea of Nation and the encounter with Europe.

Textbook Information

Module 1 (3 cfu)

- M. Cassarino (a cura di), Lo sguardo sull’altro, lo sguardo dell’altro. L’alterità in testi medievali, Introduzione di A. Pioletti, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2011.

- S. Pagani (a cura di), L’altro nella cultura araba, Presentazione di M.F. Corrao, Mesogea, Messina 2006, pp. 111-217.


Module 2 (3 cfu)

1. García-Arenal, Mercedes 2009, “The Religious Identity of the Arabic Language and the Affair of the Lead Books of the Sacromonte of Granada”, Arabica 56, pp. 495-528.

2. García-Arenal, Mercedes 2013, “Creating Conversos: Genealogy and Identity as Historiographical Problems (after a recent book by Ángel Alcalá)”, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 38: 1, Article 1 (online, 20 pp.).

3. Bernabé, Luis F. 2007, “Aspectos lingüísticos árabes y religiosos islámicos en los estudios sobre mudéjares y moriscos (1975-2005)”, en Actas del X Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo. 30 años de mudejarismo: memoria y futuro. Teruel, Centro de Estudios Mudéjares, pp. 297-330.


Module 3 (3 cfu)

L. Casini, M. E. Paniconi, L. Sorbera, Modernità arabe. Nazione, narrazione e nuovi soggetti nel romanzo egiziano, Mesogea, Messina, 2013 (pp. 7-242).


A selection of texts in Arabic language will be given by the teachers during the classes.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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