Learning of a critical method for a philological-literary analysis of prosaic and poetic texts, for the definition of the main literary genres.
Reading, translation, and philological-stylistic commentary of selected prosaic and poetical texts of Classical period, with prosodic and metric analysis of the poetic language.
Analysis of the forms on which the Latin literary tradition related to the Poetic of Illusion is structured.
A) Basics (5 CFU)
It is required the knowledge of the basics of the History of Latin Literature, with special regard to the literary movements, literary genres, and main authors. For a review, students can be use one of the following texts, already adopted in the course of Latin language and literature for Bachelor's Degree in Letters:
Reading of classical texts:
B) Detailed Studies (4 CFU)
The most significant manifestations of the Poetic of illusion: the representation of the invisible, the metaphor of the poetic dream, the ambiguity of the duplex imago from the archaic age to the second century A.D.
1. Reading of classical texts:
It is required the prosodic reading of the poetic texts listed in the programme. The following reference is recommended (elective/optional):
2. Critical Essays
It is required the knowledge of one of the following studies (elective/optional):
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.