L-ART/06 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to illustrate the language and the basic techniques of seriality, with specific references to the concept of narrative ecosystem and digital storytelling.

Course Structure

Frontal teaching with audiovisual support.

Detailed Course Content

The Keywords of the course will be: the analysis of the principal multimedial narrative forms, the process of remediation between cinema and television, the new boundaries of web series. A specific in-depth analysis will be dedicated to Skam Italia.

Textbook Information

A. Once upon a time… Narrative forms between cinema and television (4 CFU)


- G. Rossini, Le serie Tv, il Mulino, 2016, cap. I-IV (pp. 7-154), cap. V (pp. 155-162)

- F. Cleto, F. Pasquali, Tempo di serie. La temporalità nella narrazione seriale, Unicopoli, 2018, pp. 15-99.

- D. Cardini, Long Tv. Le serie televisive viste da vicino, Unicopoli, 2017, capp. III e IV (pp. 71-88, 91-122).

B. The age of innocence. Teen Television (2 CFU)


- G.C. Galvagno, Beyond screens, beyond borders. Il caso SKAM, in «H-ermes. Journal of Communication», 16, 2020, pp. 125-135.

- L. Barra, SKAM Italia minuto per minuto. Intervista a Ludovico Bessegato, in «Link. Idee per la tv», 4 giugno 2020, .


SKAM Italia, a cura di Ludovico Bassegatto (2018 -) [Students must choose two seasons]


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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