L-FIL-LET/12 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To develop the reflection on language as a semiotic system and as an instrument by means of which human beings act and interact; on the relationship between language and context; on the principles and structures of conversation.

To understand and analyze the main interactional strategies used by speakers to avoid or create conflict in interaction (verbal politeness and impoliteness).

Course Structure

The course is structured in dialogical and frontal lectures, individual and group exercises, self-evaluative reflections concerning the several contents and issues dealt with.

Detailed Course Content

A. Introduction to linguistic pragmatics (2 CFU): scope, theoretical principles and methodological approaches. The influence of context on interpretation and the influence of language on context (speech act theory: Austin and Searle). The Cooperation Principle (Grice). Conversation analysis.

B. Different theories on politeness (4 CFU): normative (conduct books) and strategic: Brown & Levinson’s Face saving view; the Logic of Politeness (Lakoff) and the Politeness Principle (Leech). Pragmatic analysis of polite speech acts (compliments) and of polite conversation.

Textbook Information

A. Introduction to pragmatics (2 CFU).


- C. Bianchi, Pragmatica del linguaggio, Bari, Laterza, 2003, pp.170

- S. C. Levinson, La struttura della conversazione, in La pragmatica, Bologna, il Mulino, 1993, pp. 357-453.

B. Verbal Politeness (4 CFU)


- R. Lakoff, La logica della cortesia, in M. Sbisà (ed.), Gli atti linguistici, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1978, pp. 220-230.

- G. Leech, A survey of the interpersonal rhetoric, in Principles of Pragmatics, Londra, Longman, 1983, Chapter 6, pp. 131-151.

- G. Alfonzetti, I complimenti nella conversazione, Roma, Editori Riuniti, University Press, 2009 (pp. 180).

- G. Alfonzetti, “Mi lasci dire”. La conversazione nei galatei, Roma, Bulzoni, 2017 (pp. 250).

The outlines of all lectures and single chapters from books will be loaded on the platform STUDIUM


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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