GEO/09 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course has the declared aim to provide the adequate knowledge to the study of mortars, ceramics and rocks used in cultural heritage.

Expected learning outcomes are:

- Recognition and description of the mineralogical and petrographic features of natural and artificial stone materials (mortars and ceramics).

- Interpretation of petrographic data in order to understand the various aspects of their use in cultural heritage through examples of common interest.

- Knowledge of analytical methods for the study of natural and artificial stone materials.

Course Structure

Lessons; laboratory lessons will be held at the end of the course.

Detailed Course Content


I materiali litici:

Le ceramiche:

Le malte:

Cenni sulle caratteristiche petrografiche dei vetri e dei metalli

Textbook Information

Files and Power Point lecture notes

For not attending students will be provided lecture notes

For further details :

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