ING-INF/07 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This class has the goal of providing both basic and advanced concepts regarding sensors, transducers mechanisms and sensors fabrication micro and nano technologies. Finally some concepts on signal conditioning circuits and metrological characterization will be given.

Laboratory activities will cover a large part of this class by involving each student into real problem concerning one or more of the development phases of sensors.

In conclusion students will gain knowledege about sensors, sensing strategies and micro and nano fabrication technologies.

Knowledge gained will allow them to perfomr autonomusly in the area of sensors by identifying the most appropriate sensing strategy for a given problem, by selecting the most appropriate fabriation technology and by designing the sensor concieved.

Course Structure

The class on Micro and Nano sensors includes both lectures and expereimental laboratory activities. Whenever possible highly specialized seminars will be organized with highly qualified national and international speakers from industry and academia.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

This course is aimed to provide basic and some advance knowledege on sensors, microsensors, MEMS and related fabrication technologies.

Nanotechnologies will be also addressed together with some information on instrumentation for devices analysis and fabrication.

Microsensors design methodologies will be presented together with CAD tools.

Several different transduction methodologies will be presented together with sensors and transducers at micro and nano scale.

Extensive laboratory activities are planned, students wil be involved in the running laboratory activities and will be challenged to develop experimental activities at several different stages of the sensor development.

Laboratory activity will be a fundumental part of the oral exam.

Textbook Information

- Individual notes taken in class

- slides provided by the Professor

- Books:

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