The course is aimed at explaining the main themes of clinical psychology, through an in-depth analysis of theoretical models and specific evaluation and operational methods. We will analyze, another, the theories about the understanding of psychological disorder in childhood and adolescence, and present the main models of prevention and intervention concerning the psychopathologies in those developmental stages. As far as disorders are concerned, we will outline the biological, environmental and relational aspects from an evolutionary and biopsychosocial perspective
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about low vision and blindness, on the diseases leading to low vision, on rehabilitation and optical and electronical aids for low vision.
The oral examination consists of an individual interview aimed at acquiring knowledge of the content of the program and its reference texts, the ability to define, illustrate and discuss such content in an organic and in-depth manner, and the ability to process and integrate information acquired for the purpose of conceptualizing mental disorders.
The assessment of the skills will be through an oral examination
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
traditional lectures
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Course unit contents
· Closer examination of the main theoretical models of developmental psychopathology.
· Explanation of nosographic classification systems concerning the psychological disorders
· attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,
· disruptive behavior disorders,
· autism spectrum disorders,
· anxiety and depression disorders,
· eating disorders,
· addiction disorders,
· disorders related to traumatic experiences.
Central low vision and peripheral low vision
Pathologies causign central low vision
Pathologies causing peripheral low vision
Low vision in children and in adults
Visual rehabilitation
Optical and informatics aids for low vision
- Sanavio, E. Cornoldi, C. (2017). Psicologia clinica. Il Mulino, Bologna. Capp.3-6-7-8-10
- Caretti, V., Craparo, G., Schimmenti, A. (2013). Memorie Traumatiche e mentalizzazione. Teoria e ricerca clinica: Casa Editrice Astrolabio, Roma capp. 1-2 (prima parte).
- Materiale fornito dal docente.
Ipovisione – Nuova frontiera dell’Oftalmologia, Edizione SOI 2002
La riabilitazione Visiva, Coordinatori: F.Cruciani, A.Reibaldi, Quaderni SOI, 2014
S. Miglior, T. Avitabile, S. Bonini, E. Campos, L. Mastropasqua: “Malattie dell’apparato visivo” - 2014, EdiSES s.r.l. Napoli.
Jack J: KANSKI: "Oftalmologia Clinica" - Elsevier Italia Srl, 2004 (edizione italiana a cura di R. Brancato, C. Azzolini)
sito del Polo Nazionale di Servizi e Ricerca per la Prevenzione della Cecità e la Riabilitazione Visiva degli Ipovedenti
sito della rivista Ipovisione, organo dell' Associazione dei Retinopatici ed Ipovedenti Siciliani
sito Unione Italiana ciechi ed ipovedenti