to provide knowledges on the pathophysiology, symptoms and signs of the diseases of the eye and of the visual system in children and adults
to give expertise in clinical diagnosis, functional and instrumental semeiotics, medical and surgical therapy.
Acquisition of theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge for the
carrying out assistance and rehabilitation activities in the field of physiopathology and disease clinic
pediatric and adult otolaryngology with specific expertise in functional semeiotics e
instrumental, in the methodology and in the medical-rehabilitative therapy of the auditory system.
traditional lectures
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
frontal lessons
If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
STRABOLOGY: concomitant and paralytic strabismus
PATHOLOGY OF ORBIT AND ANNEXES: Exophthalmos - Blepharitis - Conjunctivitis - DacriocistitiS.
CORNEAL PATHOLOGY: Keratites - Keratoconus.
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY GLAUCOMA: Pathophysiology of hydrodynamics of aqueous humor, diagnostics and therapy of glaucoma.
RETINAL DISEASES: Macular degeneration - Vascular pathology - Retinal detachment - Diabetic retinopathy - Hypertensive retinopathy - Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) - other types of retinopathy.
PATHOLOGIES OF THE OPTIC NERVE: papillitis, optic neuritis, hemianopsia, quadranopsia, cortical blindness
OCULAR TUMORS: melanoma - retinoblastoma
OCULAR TRAUMATOLOGY: Foreign bodies - Corneal lesions - Acute retinal damages - Mechanical injuries of the ocular globe.
Knowledge of anatomy-physiology of the auditory system and of the upper respiratory-digestive tracts.
S. Miglior, T. Avitabile, S. Bonini, E. Campos, L. Mastropasqua: “Malattie dell’apparato visivo” - 2014, EdiSES s.r.l. Napoli.
Jack J: KANSKI: "Oftalmologia Clinica" - Elsevier Italia Srl, 2004 (edizione italiana a cura di R. Brancato, C. Azzolini)
-Trattato di Otorinolaringoiatria - G. Rossi. Ed. Minerva Medica
- Otorinolaringoiatria E. De Campora, P. Pagnini. Ed. Elsevier
- Clinica otorinolaringoiatrica. Basi anatomo-funzionali, patologiche e cliniche delle grandi sindromi e delle malattie – M. Maurizi. Piccin-Nuova Libraria.