The learning objectives of the teaching of Gastroenterology are the knowledge of epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, elements of therapy and complications of the main diseases of the digestive system.
The cours will provide the student the theoretical kwnoledge of the surgical diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract and the hpato-biliary and pancreatic system.
In partcular modern approach to surgical science will be given to the studetns through "up to front" lectures and surgical videos focusing on new developements of surgery.
Last but not least particular emphasis will be posed on the modern tools of learning such as pub med reasearch and multidisciplinary guidelines.
Up to front lectures with slides and videos presentation.
Availabilty to host students for clinical rotation, at the medical center where the Professor has his clinical appointment.
Main Topics bo be treated:
Anatomy and functional evaluation
Liver cyst and benign neoplasm
Primary and secondary tumours of the liver
End stage liver disease
Biliary tree and peri -ampullary region:
Anatomy and functional evaluation
Calculous biliary disease and iatrogenic lesion of the bile duct
Biliary neoplasm
Anatomy and functional evaluation
Neoplasm of the exocrine pancreas
Neoplasm of the endocrine pancreas
Gastric neoplasm
Colon and rectum:
Colorectal cancer
Manuale di Gastroenterologia, UNIGASTRO, Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana, edizione 2020-23
SURGERY -Greenfield's
Scientific Principles & Practice