Provide the medical student the elements for the clinical and instrumental diagnosis of the pathologies of surgical interest
Clinical and instrumental semeiology of arterial and venous circulation. Examination of the lymph gland apparatus;
• Pathophysiology and clinics of acute and chronic obstructive arteriopathies;
• Hydro-electrolyte balance alterations. Pathophysiology of the edemas. Hydro-electrolyte balance in the surgical patient;
• Shock: physiopathology and clinical approach;
• Physical examination of the abdomen: clinical anatomy and landmarks, trigger points, alterations of the wall;
• Abdominal pain: semeiology of the most important abdominal pain syndromes;
• acute abdomen: physiopathology and clinics;
• Intestinal obstruction: physiopathology and clinic; important diagnostic tests and their diagnostic significance;
• Portal hypertension: pathophysiology, signs and symptoms; related clinical syndromes and significance of the most important diagnostic tests;
• Semeiology of haemorrhagic syndromes of the digestive system (hematemesis, melena, rectorragia, etc.), evaluation and significance of the main diagnostic tests;
• Obstructive jaundice: physiopathology, clinical and instrumental semeiology;
• Main symptoms of the urinary tract disease (stranguria, tenesmus, pollakiuria, hematuria, etc.): definition and meaning. Physical examination, functional and instrumental assessment of the genito-urinary system;
• Obstructive disorders: pathophysiology and clinical semeiology; main diagnostic tests;
• Cancers of the digestive system: semeiology of the main clinical syndromes and diagnostic methodology (ultrasound, endoscopic examinations, radiology, biopsy, neoplastic markers etc);
• Physical and functional examination of the thyroid; main thyroid diseases;
• Physical examination and diagnostic methodology of main breast diseases;
• Semeiotics and pathophysiology of the abdominal wall hernias
• Pathophysiology and semeiotics of mediastinal syndromes;
• Diagnostic method, functional and instrumental tests in respiratory diseases of surgical interest (needle aspiration, bronchoscopy, bronchoaspirate, etc.).
Metodologia Chirurgica, W. Montorsi, A. Pernacchia, P. Pietri - Ed. Minerva Medica;
Semeiotica e fMetodologia Chirurgica, E. Berti Riboli, M. Gipponi - Ed. ECIG;
Semeiotica Chirurgica e Metodologia Clinica, L. Gallone - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.