6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The student must be able to distinguish the characteristics of oral health and pathologies and the risk conditions of adult and pediatric patients in the dental field. The aim is also to make the student acquire the ability to possess knowledge on dental prevention techniques and systems and to acquire mastery in their application. The student must acquire the theoretical knowledge, common practical skills of dentistry.

Detailed Course Content

Outlines of maxillofacial embryology - embryology of the teeth - anatomy of the maxillofacial region - fundamental concepts of gnathology - dental eruption - dental retention - disodontiasis of the 3rd molar - dental anomalies and malformations - caries - diseases of the dental pulp - pulpopathy therapy - apical periodontitis - abscesses and phlegmon - osteitis - cystic neoformations of the jaw bones - precancerous lesions of the oral cavity - soft tissue tumors of the oral cavity - stomatomucositis - glossopathies - specific lesions of the oral cavity - periodontal diseases - epulids

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