IUS/19 - 8 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to examine closely some historical key-issues to understand the legal experience. The concepts of power, authority, individual right, property, contract, code, justice, identity, normality, deviance will be investigated within some specific social-historical contexts. The course will underline how the mutual relationships between private and public, rights and duties, customs and codifications, protections of civil liberties and repression have produced that peculiar result of legal modernity known as “State”.

Applying knowledge and understanding
For the students who – having attended the basic course of medieval and modern legal history – have already experienced a teaching methodology directed to combine teaching and learning, the course will be focused on making profit of their knowledge about European legal experience to develop critical thought and autonomy in handling texts that concern the connection between the problem of truth and the complex constitution of modern subjectivity.

Course Structure

Lectures, slides, workshops, judgements' analisys, mooting.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to illustrate, in its essentials features, the history of the sources of law and of the European legal science from the end of medieval age up to nowadays. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the social, legal, political and religious changes happened in Europe up to the 20th century in order to highlight the links between legal science, law and jurisprudence. The main topics to be covered during the course are: origins of Modern State; Legal Humanism; doctrine of natural law; Enlightenment; French Revolution; age of codifications; age of constitutions; development of industry; migrations; new social role of women; racism; political economical cultural and juridical effects of globalization.

Textbook Information

Agli studenti che frequentano assiduamente le lezioni saranno indicati i testi (storiografia, fonti, schemi riassuntivi) che integrano il contenuto del corso. Tali testi saranno commisurati ai cfu assegnati alla disciplina

Per gli studenti non frequentanti si suggeriscono i seguenti testi (in ciascuno dei testi sono trattati uno o più punti del programma):

M. Fioravanti, a cura di, Lo Stato Moderno in Europa, Laterza (intero volume)


La giurisdizione e le discriminazioni razziali tra storia e attualità, Quaderno 161 del CSM, scaricabile liberamente a questo indirizzo (da pag. 25 a pag. 117)

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