knowledge and comprehension
Through the reading and the detailed comprehension of the original version of some fundamental texts of French law, including the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the preamble to the Constitution of 1946, the first articles of the 1958 Constitution and the 2004 Charter of environment, students will be encouraged to reflect on law as a linguistic fact: the morphological and syntactic features will be underlined, the specific vocabulary, terminology and phraseology will be presented and the different legal and administrative text types – such as the declaration, the constitution, the chart, law, law decrees, circulars, contracts, which will be shown in several examples – will be identified.
ability to put knowledge and comprehension into practice
The reading and detailed understanding of legal instruction documents, such as newspaper articles, encyclopedia entries, informational texts, will also aim to identify the peculiarities of French institutions and system (PACS, parcours de citoyenneté, loi de 1905, loi Toubon, Conseil des prud'hommes, abolition de la peine de mort ...) thus providing a comparison between French and Italian societies in the legal, social and political aspects and providing a pre-text to class interaction and reflection.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Les sources du droit en France - Le droit et la norme juridique - La Constitution de la Ve République - Le parcours d'une loi - L'organisation judiciaire - Le personnel de la justice - la personnalité juridique - Le Parlement - Le Gouvernement - Le Président de la République - Les organismes d'importance constitutionnelle - La subdivision territoriale de la France - Droits et libertés fondamentaux - La protection internationale des droits de l'homme - La politique linguistique - Les formes contemporaines de Gouvernement
Grammar: general notions about grammar – Elements of basic grammar (sentence structure, use of pronouns, verbs, etc) – Elements of contrastive grammar- Theory and practice for translating from Italian into French, from French into Italian and for direct production in French (level B1/B2).
Civilisation: Le travail, loisirs et modes de vie, la presse, les Institutions.
Text 1 : Carmen Saggiomo, Les mots du droit et de la politique - Corso di francese giuridico-politico, Edizioni Giuridiche Simone - ISBN: 9788891407580
Text 2 : J. Gauthier, L. Parodi, M. Vallacco, Labo de grammaire, DeA - ISBN: 9788853015990
il Boch – Vocabolario francese-italiano ed italiano-francese, Zanichelli