SECS-P/02 - 7 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims at pointing out the role of the economic policy at the national and international level where market failures occur. The most relevant issues in the analysis of macroeconomic policy within the competing macroeconomic paradigms are described.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student has to be able to understand the different reasons explaining public-sector intervention in the economy and to judge the impact of economic policy on the competitive capacity of an entire economic system.

Course Structure

Lectures, participatory and interactive classes, peer-instruction, peer-studying and peer-assessment platforms. In addition, exercises, analyses and discussions of data, facts and institutional interventions on current economic policy issues. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Institutional part:

Special part: Euro crisis, austerity and government spending, growth and reforms of labour market

Textbook Information

A) For the institutional part: Cellini, R. (2019), Politica economica. Introduzione ai modelli fondamentali (III edizione), Milano, McGrawHill.

B) For the special part:

  1. Zezza G. (2012), “La crisi dell’euro: invertire la rotta o abbandonare la nave?”, in S. Cesaratto S. e M. Pivetti (a cura di), Oltre l’austerità, gli eBook di MicroMega/1 (, pp. 99-116.
  2. Palumbo A. (2012), “Quale spesa pubblica”, in S. Cesaratto S. e M. Pivetti (a cura di), Oltre l’austerità, gli eBook di MicroMega/1 (, pp. 136-147.
  3. Stirati A. (2012), “Crescita e “riforma” del mercato del lavoro”, in S. Cesaratto S. e M. Pivetti (a cura di), Oltre l’austerità, gli eBook di MicroMega/1 (, pp. 148-160.

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