MED/48 - 10 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of the internship activities is making the student acquire specific skills of professional interest. The First Year Internship aims to develop knowledge and understanding in relation to the patient's clinical path in a psychiatric clinic in a observational way.

Course Structure

The lectures will be frontal, there will also interactive discussions about clinical cases. Mandatory attendance.

Detailed Course Content

Knowledge about the services offered to psychiatric users in the area

Knowledge of the model of work in a multi-professional team

Identification of the traits characterizing the type of user and the consequent emotional impact of which the trainee must be aware

Pathways to care

Textbook Information

Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica. Dalle conoscenze teoriche alla pratica dei servizi di salute mentale. Vol.1. A cura di A. Vita et al.

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